Discover what we teach your child
The curriculum of the school is based on the Guidelines and published statements of the New South Wales Department of School Education and the Board of Studies. The Diocese of Wagga Wagga is registered with the Department to conduct schools and St. Michael’s undergoes regular inspections to ensure standards are maintained.
We teach the seven Key Learning Areas (KLAs):
- Religion
- Mathematics
- English
- Human Society and its Environment
- Science and Technology
- Creative and Practical Arts
- Personal Development, Health and Physical Education
Key Learning Areas
Religious Education
All children enrolled in the School participate in our Religious Education Programme, which includes 30-40 minute lessons per day, School Masses, and preparation programmes for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation.
The focus of our lessons is to learn about the life Jesus lived and the messages he gave us through his actions and how we can live our own lives better through modelling these actions.
Language is a means of creating and communicating meaning. It is central to children’s intellectual, social and emotional development and has an essential role in all Key Learning Areas.
There are three kinds of learning in Language and Literacy.
- Learning Language: Children need to be able to talk and listen, read and write in a variety of situations.
- Learning Through Language: Children use language to facilitate thought. It enables them to receive and remember knowledge and to generate and reflect on ideas.
- Learning About Language: Children gain knowledge of the language itself and the terms used in the discussion of aspects such as spelling, punctuation, grammar and text types.
At St. Michael’s, we believe that:
Mathematics is essential for living and functioning as members of society. As such, we provide students with strategies, skills, techniques, computational, problem-solving and reasoning skills.
Maths is part of our culture. It allows children to appreciate their cultural heritage and the significant contribution mathematics has made to human culture.
Maths is a part of our leisure. It is the source of puzzles and problems. It encourages curiosity, exploration, discovery and invention.
Mathematics consists of six strands:
- Working
- Mathematically
- Number
- Space and Geometry
- Measurement
- Patterns and Algebra
- Data
(Mathematics K-6 Syllabus p. 8)
Students will gain knowledge of these strands from a variety of resources, using strategies to grow their awareness of the purposes of maths in their daily lives and environments. They should also be aware of, use and be able to apply maths technology.